My Mindset Journey
Do you want to be wealthy? Successful? Happy? It starts by changing your mindset. When you change your way of thinking, you subsequently change your actions. And when that happens, your ability to achieve great success in life becomes attainable.
You become unstoppable! No matter how busy your life might be, you can implement a few small changes that will help you quickly adopt a mindset geared towards success.
It all begins by ridding yourself of a fixed mindset. The kind that makes you believe you can’t change; that you are who you are. Instead, working towards achieving a mindset based on flexibility and change allows you to improve your situation while helping you stay focused on a long-term vision.
In this special report, we’ll take a closer look at how you can begin the work towards embracing a mindset that will allow you to design the life you’ve always wanted.
Prime Your Mind for Success
The first step towards developing a mindset geared towards success is to understand what success means to you. This is different for everyone, so by first identifying what success looks like to you, you’ll be better equipped to reach your goals.
Start by thinking about what means most to you. Define your objectives clearly, so you can filter out what isn’t important. By clarifying your thoughts and ultimately your desires, you’ll reserve your mental energy for only the things that are truly relevant and will move you forward.
Of course, there are different sectors in life that we all wish to be successful in. And in most cases, we’ll prevail in certain areas and struggle in others. That’s okay, by identifying your strengths as well as your weaknesses, you’ll be able to create a plan that will help to improve the spaces in your life that need your attention.
For you, it might be that you struggle with success in your personal life, but you do extremely well in business. Maybe you find yourself often struggling with understanding and expressing emotions.
The most important first step is to write down your thoughts and feelings. Get it all out. Whether you feel it’s all that important or not, if something comes to mind during this exercise, write it down.
Self-reflection is the first step in developing a success mindset. You’ll want to dig deep, with nothing off limits. Only when you lay it all out there and begin to unravel the inner workings of your mind and why you might struggle in one area but succeed in another, will you be able to gain a clearer perspective.
It’s easy to self-sabotage without ever being fully aware that you are doing so. Most of us are our own worst enemies when it comes to overcoming barriers to achieve success.
After today, you will be better aware of how you may be contributing to creating those struggles. And once you’ve identified what those are, you’ll finally be able to overcome them. You’ll also learn to accept the natural ebb and flow of success that appears and sometimes fades.
There will be times when you need to refocus your priorities, re-evaluate what success means to you at different times in your life and work hard to ride out the ups and downs that everyone experiences.
Because ultimately, you can always reset and get back on the path you are meant to be on. Keep in mind that what matters today may not mean as much a few years from now.
This is why it’s always important to not only learn to accept setbacks but to begin to understand that sometimes our plan has to change for us to prosper.
Developing a mindset geared towards growth and success doesn’t mean that you can’t and won’t make mistakes, or that you’ll never experience times when it seems harder to get back on track.
What a growth mindset means is that no matter what challenges or obstacles may appear, you will never give up. You will learn to recalibrate your way of thinking so that you can reestablish priorities and regain the clarity you need to move forward.
A growth mindset, or a Success Brain as explained in the popular course available at, will also help you cultivate a sense of inner peace throughout your day-to-day life.
Identify Your Limiting Beliefs
Do you want to take your career to the next level? Do you aspire to advance your career, start a business, or perhaps find love? You aren’t alone. Whether you want to strengthen your relationships or develop positive routines that will improve your mental health, it begins by learning how to identify limiting beliefs.
Limiting beliefs are the stories we tell ourselves, and the excuses we make for not realizing our dreams and what we care the most about. Limiting beliefs hold us back; they cause us to focus more on the risks than the rewards, and they keep us stuck tight in our comfort zone, unable to move forward.
“I don’t have time”, or “I don’t have what it takes” are common beliefs we tell ourselves when the going gets tough, or we are simply unwilling to do the work it takes to achieve great success.
The reality is, that we all have the potential to accomplish everything we set out to do, but it requires that we identify, acknowledge and then let go of limiting beliefs. The path to success starts by throwing all limitations out of the window and believing that yes, you CAN, and you WILL do it.
To start, you need to take responsibility for your own life. If you’ve found yourself caught up in an endless loop where you can’t seem to get ahead and everywhere you turn you’re faced with another obstacle. You need to identify why this is happening and what you may be doing to contribute to this recurring situation directly.
While we can’t predict the future and we certainly can’t avoid certain situations that are out of our control, we can control how we react to them. For example, rather than get overwhelmed or frustrated by a challenge in your life, look for the lesson in failure.
Or, instead of allowing yourself to quickly react to a stressor in your life, take a moment to breathe, refocus, and master your emotions. Regardless of your limiting beliefs, you can learn to let go of uncertainty and embrace the unknown, knowing that no matter what you may face you have the strength, the ability, and the motivation to get through it.
Start by eliminating any negative self-talk. If you change the way you talk to yourself, you change the narrative and direction of your life. And with enough time and practice, you’ll find that blocking negativity becomes not only natural but easier to do.
Remember, you are the architect of your life. Design the best one possible! It’s time to recognize your limiting beliefs, and then let them go. You do this by acknowledging that you’ve used these limiting beliefs as a sort of protective device throughout your life. They’ve kept you safe, though stagnant. They’ve prevented you from growing, and evolving.
Next, permit yourself to move past these limiting beliefs. You owe it to yourself to live the best, fullest life possible - one free of limitations, where you are free to finally tap into your full potential.
Finally, replace these limiting beliefs with positive ones. Above all else, open yourself to the many wonderful possibilities that lay ahead.
The Power of Affirmations
Think it, say it aloud and you’ll begin to believe it. And when you believe it, you’ll be unstoppable. Affirmations can be an exceptionally powerful tool for managing stress, and boosting self-esteem, while also improving your ability to solve problems, as well as overcome obstacles and challenges in all aspects of your life.
The very thin line between success and failure can often come down to what we tell ourselves; what we allow ourselves to believe. Positive self-talk can ultimately change your entire mindset which will subsequently impact the actions you take and the way you overcome doubt.
Thankfully, positive affirmations are easy to integrate into your life. All you need to do is choose a phrase that resonates with you and repeat it to yourself.
There are many benefits of putting the power of affirmations to work for you. Self-affirmations have been shown to decrease depression and anxiety while providing us with a unique and clear perspective that isn’t always so easy to grasp.
According to the Department of Personality and Social Psychology, affirmation is a sort of integrity booster shot, raising someone’s sense that he or she is a coherent, moral and worthy individual.
Also since affirmations restore a sense of worth, this will trickle over into all areas of your life, strengthening your entire belief system and minimizing the amount of time and energy you allow yourself to devote to negative thinking.
Consider the different phrases that you could put into practice, such as:
- I feel good about myself.
- I currently feel proud and confident.
- I feel very much like a person of worth.
- I am in full control of my life.
- I am grateful for the joy and love in my life.
Whether you are planning to focus more time on improving a specific area of your life, such as career, health or emotions, or you are looking to boost your overall confidence and drive in just one area, positive affirmations will help you make that happen.
It will also help to shape your entire outlook on life and give you a sense of optimism that you may have never felt before. That, dear friend, is exactly what a Growth Mindset or Success Mindset is about.
Overcoming Obstacles
Need help learning how to overcome obstacles? To start, it’s vital to set goals that matter deeply to you, and then to stay focused on the many benefits of achieving that goal.
At the same time, you need to prepare yourself for the possibility of coming up short at times. Roadblocks, whether they be emotional, physical or creative, sometimes appear, despite how well-planned or focused you may be on trying to avoid them.
It’s a natural part of life that everyone experiences. However, a Growth Mindset means you dust yourself off when it happens and do your best to re-align your goals so you can move forward. We aren’t quitters, even when the going gets tough.
Learning how to face challenges and overcome obstacles takes consistent practice. It’s easy to get over-stressed and shut down completely when something doesn’t go our way. But your ability to muster motivation and stay focused on the positives is what will set you apart, and help you get through whatever challenge stands in your way.
One thing to always keep a close pulse on is your overall energy levels. Whether that involves eating better, getting more sleep, or focusing on just one task or goal at a time, becoming acutely aware of how you’re feeling at all times will help you stay connected to your growth mindset.
When something goes wrong, as it sometimes will, you’ll be able to bounce back, offer yourself more self-compassion and squarely face the problem.
Important Note: One thing to keep in mind is the importance of never comparing yourself to others. It’s an easy rut to fall into if we aren’t careful, and there are few things more crippling to our self-esteem and ability to succeed.
It’s okay to be inspired by others and to look up to those who have accomplished the goals you’re focused on, but always keep in mind that we all operate and progress differently and that what has worked for someone else may not work the same for you. That is perfectly normal.
Instead of comparing, try to track and measure your progress as you work towards your goals. Not only will that help you gain better clarity, but it will also help you stay vigilant and focused on your growth.
In life and business, there are many different times of obstacles we’ll inevitably have to overcome. This might involve time management, the obstacle of time, where we can’t seem to get things done quickly enough, or where we lose momentum before we’ve reached our goals.
Whatever it may be, possessing an “I can do it” mentality and learning how to manage your emotions so that they don’t rob you of your ability to progress is essential to unglue yourself from the negative position you may be facing.
Building confidence and learning to use positive thinking to accelerate your mindset takes time - daily practice is key.
Take it one day at a time, focus on being consistent, and you’ll soon become more aware of how easy it is to embrace a positive mindset that will squash all lingering self-doubt and set you up for ongoing success.
The 90-90-1 Rule
Have you ever heard of the 90-90-1 rule created by Leadership expert Robin Sharma? If not, it’s quite simple. For the next 90 days, you simply devote the first 90 minutes of your work day to the best opportunity in your life.
This means eliminating all distractions. Log out of social media, ignore your email program, turn your phone on silent and mark yourself busy or invisible in any chat clients you might be logged into.
The key is to develop a positive habit that will set you up for ongoing success by completing this one practice every day.
Over 90 days, you’ll find yourself quickly adapting to this process and by the end of the timeframe, it will feel natural to you - and you’ll likely want to continue with it long after. Best of all, you can apply the 90-90-1 rule to any aspect of your life.
Perhaps you don’t make enough time for yourself every day, or you aren’t as focused on self-care as you should be. By giving yourself 90 minutes each day, completely free of all distractions, you’ll eliminate the “I’ll do it later” mentality, and become more and more productive.
People who have followed the 90-90-1 rule have referred to it as a “Power Hack” because it’s simple, productive and feasible, the ultimate time-management trifecta.
While 90 minutes might seem like a lot of time to set aside each day, you’ll quickly discover how worthwhile it is. It’s a substantial enough commitment to help you make consistent progress every day, sure, but it isn’t so long that you’ll feel as though you’re wasting time.
So, decide what time of day works best for you and give it a try. Does 90 minutes in the morning make the most sense for you? Or do you feel you’d be able to consistently block off 90 minutes in the afternoon, or evening?
Make your decision and then put this “Power Hack” into action. You might be surprised at how much it improves your mental health and your overall mindset. It’s also a great way to overcome procrastination!
Final Words
Developing a growth or success mindset takes time, but the many benefits are well worth the effort. Without a proper mindset, you may find yourself struggling to focus, constantly distracted by daily life or filled with anxiety at what the future might bring.
But with a mindset for success, you will reach your goals more quickly and consistently while allowing yourself to create new (possibly even bigger) goals!
Start by creating a system that will keep you on track. Then, take one small step every day that leads you towards achieving that goal.
Put the power of positive affirmation to work for you. Start each day off with a mantra that empowers you and keeps you focused.
Once you’ve implemented these simple steps for a few weeks, it will become a natural part of your daily routine. And with it, a mindset destined for success.
If you are looking for additional tips and strategies including how to quickly replace negative habits with positive ones, let go of the fear of failure, and develop a success mindset that will push you to the top of your game. You’ll want to take a look at the Success Brain course, available at:
It has been a game-changer for many, and chances are, it’ll be a game-changer for you as well.
Here are links to a few resources that I believe will help you:
Success Brain Course:
Recommended Coaching:
8 Mindsets That Will Set You on a Path to Success:
The Mindset All Successful People Share:
Funnel Builder Software:
The Best Way to Build Funnels and Sell Digital Products
Artificial Intelligence:
Apply AI to Avoid Tedious Marketing Tasks
Automate your Marketing with the Power of AI